God for Everyone

The Real Truth about God...And What It Means To You

Free Resource – Miracle Prayer

How can I help you? In the past, the two resources that I have most used to help other people with their spiritual quest have been the two I’ve made available for free on this site. I did not write them, but I have used them extensively for over a decade. The Miracle Prayer is my shortened version of Linda Schubert’s truely MIRACULOUS prayer – Miracle Hour. Because I realize that most people aren’t ready to pray for an hour initially; with her permission, I shortened her very complete prayer. Sign up for the FREE RESOURCES on the right, and receive the most powerful prayer I know of immediately in your email! You don’t want to miss out on the power of prayer, and this resource saves you years of learning to communicate effectively with God.

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Posted: Friday, September 17th, 2010 at 3:50 pm under Book.
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2 Responses to “Free Resource – Miracle Prayer”

  1. Iian Estave says:

    How can you help – I’m angry with this world and the people in it, and consequently God. Why would I want to find out more about any of it? It’s all bullshit.

  2. heather says:

    Iian, thanks for your honesty. I’ve felt your frustration and totally relate to it. The way I’ve worked through that anger was to clarify in my thinking the fact that God has allowed satan to rule this world and so it is satan that we are really angry at not God. God is the only source of good in our lives, and we need to sort through things and get them in the correct responsibilities column. It’s only as we learn more about God that we can do that sorting and correctly evaluate the things we see around us. That is a huge reason why I wrote God for Everyone – to help people get accurate, time-tested theology so they can begin to helpfully process all the conflicting information that is floating around out there. See if chapters 3 and 10 don’t help you see things a bit more clearly. I hope this helps and please do let me know if there are any more specific questions I can address to help you. Blessings on you.

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